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Will you be there when they compare?

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Amazon Seller? Drive More Sales with Bidwise.

Amazon Seller? Drive More Sales with Bidwise

Tap into our high-performing advertising platform to grow your business on Amazon and beyond.

Advertise on Bidwise

Advertise on Bidwise

Accelerate your business growth with Bidwise by positioning your ads directly in front of potential customers at the crucial moment they search and compare options in your market.

Be There When Users Compare

Be There When Users Compare

Get in front of customers when they’re comparing and searching for businesses like yours. Reach over 100 million consumers monthly through our network of search and comparison websites.

Only Pay For Results

Only Pay For Results

Pay only if people click on your ads and visit your website.You run your business. We'll help find new customers.

Refine Your Reach

Refine Your Reach

Precision-target your audience by country, city, language, device, and keyword. Tailor your campaigns for optimal impact and connect with your ideal customers effortlessly.

Our Brands

Our digital properties span all verticals, connecting in-market consumers with targeted ads for millions of products and services, ensuring exceptional conversion rates.

Insights from Our Advertisers

Frequently Asked Questions

Where will my ads appear?

Where will my ads appear?

When you advertise with Bidwise, your ads will appear on different placements across our network of premium sites, depending on how you target your ads. To see some of the sites in our network, check out our brands
What kind of conversions should I expect?

What kind of conversions should I expect?

Bidwise will show your ads to in-market consumers, that is, users that are actively searching for the products or services you offer. This generally results in higher conversion rates for our advertisers.
How much do I pay for each click?

How much do I pay for each click?

It's a bid-based auction system, so you can set your bids based on what a click is worth to your business.
How do I get billed for traffic?

How do I get billed for traffic?

You tell us how much you want to spend by entering your budget and your desired cost-per-click by keyword or category. You'll accrue charges only when we send qualified customers to your website. We will never spend more than your budget and never charge more than you've bid.
How do you protect customers from invalid clicks?

How do you protect customers from invalid clicks?

Advertiser success is crucial to the sustainability of our business. Most of the fraud in online advertising occurs when you have unscrupulous publishers in poorly-run ad networks. At Bidwise, we've removed third-party publishers from the equation in order to deliver the best quality and results from our owned & operated network of sites. In addition, we employ proprietary click-fraud and duplicate-click detection algorithms to prevent accidental clicks. We also closely monitor our advertisers' conversions.

Our Achievements

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